Calvin's Dad: Calvin's dad is a middle aged attorney, who is down-to-earth and sensible. He is viewed as a typical Middle-Class father by Calvin. His interests include, camping and bike rides. Calvin's father is portrayed giving vague and outright false answers to Calvin's questions at all times. His refusal and nonsensical responses indicate the adult world's unwillingness to share the knowledge or deliberate distortion of reality. Calvin's behavior often causes Dad annoyance, sometimes provoking him to yell at Calvin.
Calvin's Mom: Calvin's mom is a stay-home parent who enjoys gardening and reading. She is usually exasperated by Calvin's actions. She is frequently the one forced to curb Calvin's destructive tendencies. Although Calvin's actions drive her crazy she loves him very much. In one of the comic strips she is shown shouting at her husband saying "It's all your fault we didn't have a sweet little girl! Your stupid chromosome, not MINE!". This was only after getting frustrated with Calvin's deeds on a regular basis.
Will come back again with more characters and their details.
Here are today's comic strips:
Comic Strip 1
Comic Strip 2
Comic Strip 3
Comic Strip 4
Comic Strip 5
Comic Strip 6